Consultative Paper on Political Reforms in India

Mostly poor and uneducated people vote in India
Mostly poor and uneducated people vote in India

Mostly poor and uneducated people vote in India

As the Lok Sabha Election is scheduled to happen in India during 2019, I have launched an exclusive online editorial section for voter education. It sheds light on the political as well as democratic status in the country.

As I have been studying various aspects of democracy and election processes, I find that the current political system in India is totally flawed. In order to reform this system, I am working on the development of a new competence-based political / governance model for India.

After extensive study and research, I have found that the current democratic system needs a complete overhaul. I have presented my initial findings in the form of a consultative paper that you can download. You are encouraged to study it and circulate it among others. I also invite your views on the new model that I am proposing.

Key Findings

  • In its current deformed form, the democracy in India has taken the shape of parliamentary dictatorship. Now there is a need to create a system that can usher in an egalitarian society.
  • A major paradox in the elections is that majority of the voters don’t elect but they reject the party that forms the government.
  • Successive governments in India have leveraged democracy to their own advantage or for the benefit of a few politicians while depriving the citizens of their fundamental rights.
  • Bureaucratic inefficiency is the worst form of corruption in India.
  • People elect the candidates without analyzing their capabilities and then keep complaining during their tenures till the next elections.
  • India is the largest country in the world that is struggling to protect the democratic fiber in the nation because the country is facing a severe leadership crisis.
  • Majority of the people who adopted politics as a profession during the past 50 years are uneducated, unskilled, goons, or from the traditional political families.
  • India’s sorry plight is persisting because of the flawed democratic system – which nurtures incompetence and kills talent.

[ Download the Consultative Paper: Need to Transform the Political System in India ]

If you agree with these findings and want to become part of this inevitable political transformation, you can contact me for further discussion.

Thanking You

Rakesh Raman
RMN Foundation
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16
Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I
New Delhi 110 078, INDIA

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