RMN Foundation running an education campaign with the help of student volunteers.
RMN Foundation Invites Volunteers and Interns
RMN Foundation invites volunteers and interns who can provide their services on pro bono (unpaid) basis for the humanitarian activities that the Foundation carries out for the underprivileged sections of the society.
The selected candidates (volunteers and interns) will be considered for all organizational disciplines like student education / counselling, public relations, fund-raising, communications, social media management, field campaigns, events management, and others. Depending on their interest and availability, they will be provided training in different disciplines.
While at this stage RMN Foundation is not in a position to pay the selected volunteers and interns, they can choose to operate from their homes. But they will be expected to attend weekly meetings or training sessions, which will initially be held online through digital video-communication services such as Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, or others.
As volunteers / interns, you will:
- Learn various aspects of community service
- Learn communication skills including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and debating
- Learn soft skills for your personality development and to interact effectively with others
- Learn to work in a competitive, results-oriented environment
- Learn to operate in collaborative ecosystems
- Learn to create and disseminate professional content using traditional and new-media channels
- Learn to leverage your community services for your career development
- Learn to integrate your learning with your career goals
- Learn about your roles and responsibilities as a member of the society
Certificate of Participation
RMN Foundation will issue a certificate of participation to volunteers / interns who provide their services successfully to the Foundation for at least six months. Moreover, their brief profiles along with their photographs will appear on the volunteers’ page of RMN Foundation website. They can promote their work through this page among potential employers and target communities for their career and professional development.
RMN Foundation
With all-encompassing philanthropic objectives to serve the masses, RMN Foundation – which is the humanitarian initiative of Raman Media Network (RMN News Service) – is working as a nonprofit, non-governmental organization (NGO) in diverse fields of human activity. It is an educational and public charitable Trust registered with the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi at New Delhi, India. RMN Foundation does not belong to any political party.
Currently, all the activities of RMN Foundation are being managed single-handedly (without any financial or other support) by RMN Foundation founder Rakesh Raman who had left his job a few years ago to run this charity. He is a government’s national award-winning journalist who is using his own money and time to manage all the editorial and social services.
Among other top technology and media assignments, he was associated with the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development. You can click here to know more about RMN Foundation founder Rakesh Raman.
These days, RMN Foundation is working in different areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. These areas include School Education (Student Counselling), Environment Protection, Anti-Corruption Activities, Children’s Education Rights, Labour Rights, and Political Awareness Campaigns.
You can click the following links to see our ongoing work in different areas.
Job with Education [ Work Link ]
Small Business Development [ Work Link ]
School Education [ Work Link ]
Anti-Corruption Activities [ Work Link ]
Environment Protection [ Work Link ]
Political Awareness [ Work Link ]
Labour Rights [ Work Link ]
As the RMN Foundation has embarked upon some major humanitarian projects and is planning to extend its services in different parts of India, now it needs the support of volunteers and significant amount of funds in the form of donations to expand the scope of its activities.
Donation: Indian donors can click here to donate online to RMN Foundation / RMN News Service and you can also click here to donate with PayPal.
With this introduction, I request you to join hands with RMN Foundation as volunteers or interns and support the human-welfare services that it is offering selflessly. You may please also circulate this information among your friends, family members, and colleagues who may also support the Foundation’s work from all parts of the country.
Application for Volunteers and Interns
Please click here to apply online.
You also can download our Volunteer Application Form to apply by post.
Thanking You
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, India
WhatsApp / Mobile: 9810319059 | Contact by Email