Children demonstrating in the streets of New Delhi so that the Indian / Delhi Government should protect them from dust pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution coming from extended FAR construction activity in Delhi’s housing societies. Photo and Campaign by Rakesh Raman
UN HRC Petition to Protect Environmental and Human Rights of People in Delhi
FAR Construction and Poisonous Pollution in Delhi
Save People From Dust And Noise Pollution In Group Housing Societies Of New Delhi India
Petition by Rakesh Raman
Although a range of crimes are being committed by the management committee (MC) members of cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) in Delhi, the following petition describes the floor area ratio (FAR) construction crime.
This citywide construction-cum-corruption racket is being run by local criminals who operate as MC members of housing societies with support from crooked politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, complicit police officials, dishonest members of judiciary, and builders’ mafia.
Among other disturbances and financial implications for residents, FAR construction is spreading lethal dust and noise pollution in occupied housing societies where millions of people live.
Since the Indian Government, Delhi Government, and pollution-control agencies such as Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) are full of corrupt and careless officials, they are not saving people’s lives from increasing pollution in Delhi.
These lawless officials have ignored multiple complaints that I have filed to get lethal construction and dust / noise pollution stopped in Delhi’s housing societies where thousands of people are suffering because of avoidable construction and harmful pollution.
On October 28, I sent the following petition letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UN HRC) so it could protect the environmental and human rights of people of Delhi.
Petition to United Nations Human Rights Council (UN HRC)
To October 28, 2021
Ms Nazhat Shameem Khan
United Nations Human Rights Council (UN HRC)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Petition: Protect Environmental / Human Rights of People in New Delhi, India
Dear Ms Nazhat Shameem Khan,
I am a journalist and social activist in New Delhi, India. I am sending you this petition with the hope to seek justice for the people of Delhi who have been facing extreme pollution and environmental hazards because of the ill-conceived government policies. The government is allowing massive avoidable construction in Delhi’s group housing societies where millions of people live.
Now, local criminals supported by corrupt bureaucrats and builders’ mafia are forcing residents to accept expensive construction which is spreading lethal dust pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution across the city, which is already the most polluted national capital in the world.
I have been holding street campaigns and writing letters for the past couple of years to different authorities in India to get this harmful construction stopped, but all my appeals have fallen on deaf ears. I have even sent petitions to the Chief Justice at the Supreme Court of India and the Prime Minister of India.
Although the authorities have acknowledged the receipt of my petitions, no action has been taken to stop construction in occupied housing societies where men, women, children, and senior citizens are suffering because of lethal pollution and other disturbances.
The harmful government policies as well as the authorities’ reluctance to stop construction-based pollution is a direct attack on people’s fundamental / human right to live in a clean, healthy, pollution-free, and peaceful environment. Since the government in India is highly corrupt and courts do not work honestly, they have ignored citizens’ fundamental rights. Therefore, I have decided to approach international forums such as the UN HRC to get people’s environmental / human rights protected in Delhi.
This case is particularly important for the UN HRC, as it has recognized access to a clean and healthy environment as a fundamental right of citizens along with its initiative to fight against climate change and its catastrophic consequences.
Therefore, I request you to take up this case on an urgent basis to immediately stop construction work and pollution in Delhi’s group housing societies, and also start the prosecution of all the law-breaking politicians and delinquent government functionaries who are running this environmentally hazardous criminal enterprise in India.
The details of the case including exhibits, video links, photographs, and my communications with authorities are given for your perusal and urgent action. I request you for an immediate response including an interim response. The full petition is given below.
Thank you.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
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