Stop Coronavirus in Delhi Housing Societies

Long-term construction and repair work in occupied housing societies is a major cause of increasing coronavirus in India’s capital New Delhi. Photo: RMN News Service
Long-term construction and repair work in occupied housing societies is a major cause of increasing coronavirus in India’s capital New Delhi. Photo: RMN News Service

Long-term construction and repair work in occupied housing societies is a major cause of increasing coronavirus in India’s capital New Delhi. Photo: RMN News Service

It is being observed that the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) is increasing rapidly in India. While the government does not have proper hospitals and healthcare infrastructure to test and count the coronavirus cases and casualties, it is giving some random, off-the-cuff numbers about the disease. Actually, the number of coronavirus patients and deaths in India is far higher – probably in thousands – than what is being reported.

Meanwhile, a report focuses on coronavirus in Delhi’s housing societies where millions of people live. The government is not taking proper steps to stop non-essential, long-term construction projects in the occupied housing societies where men, women, and children are already living. This has increased the probability of coronavirus contagion in the entire city, and eventually it will bring dire consequences for the entire world. 

Although this report has been shared with the local government, it is terribly slow in taking any action. Therefore, the global community including the UN, WHO, the U.S., and the European Union are requested to urge the Delhi Government as well as the Indian Government to immediately put a permanent ban on non-essential construction in occupied housing societies and fully sanitize these housing areas to save the lives of people. 

You may please download and read the report to take immediate action. It is also given below in the digital format.

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